What I’m Missing Out…

“Beware of missing chances; otherwise it may be altogether too late some day.”

There’s no next time in such rare situations.

Back then, I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t hang out with some of my classmates. I didn’t attend a few school events, such as the senior prom and a Christmas party back in senior year high school. The latter part, I didn’t care about it much since I’ve attended a lot of Christmas parties anyway. I didn’t have a chance to get some of my written posts published in a school publication in college. Need to say more?

Honestly, some people don’t care much about what I’m missing, for as long as they enjoy what they gained–friendships, relationships, a brief moment of popularity and all the fun they can have. Though I didn’t let this affect me, just thinking of my future makes me think of my past and my regrets in life. I’m not trying to be bitter on this one, it’s a right to express. Oh well, what they do is what I don’t do anyway. I can do better.

What’s Going On?

It’s not as if I’m trying to exclude myself from the group or not pursuing my dreams and lifelong achievements, but I wanted to blame my poor communication skills and the fear of humiliation for making my life miserable. I’m starting to have second thoughts, it’s because I’m a pessimist. Even though that offer looks great, I never take a step ahead to grab that opportunity. Yes, it’s difficult living that way.

No matter how good the situation is, the fact is I tend to look at the negative side of things. I hate the thought of refusing such tempting offers, but I’m smart enough to differentiate the pros and cons of what life has to offer. The truth is, I wanted to blame myself for weighing the bad things over the good. Pessimism doesn’t get me anywhere.

Sometimes, the people around you proved to be discouraging as they’re hindering your plans for a better life. It’s as if you’re supposed to follow their advice and disregarding your own decisions. In the end, you suffer too much just because you let them control your life.

So much has happened, only a few moments for me. Now what, am I trying to be invisible from the rest of the people and start missing on the fun things in life? What is going on with me?

I believe I’m going to regret a lot of things, something I didn’t do since a long time ago. But what I’m trying to achieve, my mind tells me to stop and abandon what I was doing. Isn’t it frustrating?

Making Up For Missed Chances

I really need to catch up on the things I want to do, something that I couldn’t do in the past due to a variety of reasons. Perhaps if I can force myself to act and grab the opportunity, then anything is possible. I can prioritize myself first so that I have time for [almost] everything. Besides, I don’t want to be left behind, ’nuff said.

The question is, will I ever reach the top even though I’m way behind the others? Possibly. I wanted to get back on the track and stop thinking of my missed opportunities. I wanted to move on.