For Mom

A special tribute to our moms out there! First published on the Kin Keihan Times exactly four years ago, it is a poem written especially for our dear moms!

(Written May 12, 2013)

On this special day
We present to you
This special poem
To say… how much we love you
And how important you are to our lives
You have worked so hard
To raise us
To teach us
To guide us
You are the greatest inspiration
You make us realize how hard it is being a mom
You have worked so hard
You never cease to care for us
And for this day
We wanted to say
Thank you for being a good mom
For every good moment that we had
In return, we promise
That we will always take care of you
The way you care for us
We will be good and humble
And to greet you…
A happy mother’s day to you, my dear mom!